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Prof. Amlan J. Pal
Prof. Amlan J. Pal
Director and JC Bose National Fellow

Director's Message

Greetings from UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research! The Consortium works for augmentation and enrichment of scientific research in Indian universities and educational institutions of higher learning.

The synergy between the UGC and the DAE in the form of UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research is providing high-end mega-science research facilities of the DAE to the Indian research community.

Our in-house research facilities are also available for collaboration through Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS projects) apart from creating highly-skilled manpower through our own PhD programme.

We invite you to visit our centres at Indore, Mumbai, and Kolkata and also our Kalpakkam Node.

About Director

Prof. Amlan J. Pal is currently the Director of UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore. He is also a Professor and a JC Bose National Fellow at the School of Physical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from University of Calcutta and Jadavpur University, respectively.

His research interests include device physics, ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling spectroscopy, and materials engineering leading to organic electronics, solar cells based on organic/inorganic semiconductors and hybrid halide perovskites, organic spintronics, topological insulators, and so forth.

So far, he has published more than 240 articles in international journals and guided 25 students for their Ph.D.’s. He is a Fellow of all three science academies of India and also of Indian National Academy of Engineering.

Name Tenure
Dr. Ajit Sinha 2013-2020
Dr. P. Chaddah 2005-2013
Prof. V. N. Bhoraskar 2002-2005
Dr. B. A. Dasannacharya 1995-2002
Prof. R. Srinivasan 1990-1995
Prof. V.G. Bhide 1988–1990