UGC-DAE CSR header


Prof. Amlan J. Pal
Director and JC Bose National Fellow
Name Designation Centre Specialization Facilities
Dr. Abhijit Saha Centre-Director Kolkata Radiation Chemistry, Macromolecular chemistry Luminiscence Spectrometer,FTIR spectrometer, Radio-chemistry, micro-Raman, Calorimetry, DLS, UV-VIS-NIR
Dr. P. D. Babu Centre-Director Mumbai Magnetism and magnetic materials, Chemical and Magnetic structures Focusing Crystal Powder Neutron Diffractometer (FCD), Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), Physical Property Measurement System - 9Tesla with VSM, Physical Property Measurement system - 14 Tesla, High Temperature Furnaces
Dr. Vasant G. Sathe Centre-Director Indore X-ray and neutron diffraction, EXAFS spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and nano-materials Raman spectrometer, PLD Chamber, High temperature furnace 1400 deg C.
Name Designation Centre Specialization Facilities
Dr. Anand M. Awasthi Emeritus Professor Indore
Dr. Anindita Chakraborty Scientist-G Kolkata Radiation biology Fluorescent microscope, ultra-centrifuge, ultra-freezer, CO2-incubator, Flow Cytometer, Inverted Microscope, Electrophoresis with western blot and Geldoc system, UV-Visible Spectrometer - 85°C Ultra Freezer, Cell culture facility
Dr. Archana Lakhani Scientist-G Indore Condensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Imaging techniques Low temperature and High Field Magnetisation, 9T PPMS for Resistivity, magnetoresistance and Hall measurements, Box Furnace Max Temperature: 1700 C
Dr. Arvind K. Yogi Scientist-D Indore Crystal growth Optical floating zone crystal growth - 4-Mirror (IR-Image)
Dr. Devendra Kumar Scientist-F Indore Condensed Matter Physics, Low Temperature Physics Magnetization measurements by 16 T PPMS and MPMS, AC susceptibility setup, Furnace tubular 1200C
Dr. Dileep K. Gupta Scientist-F Indore Condensed Matter Physics, magnetic ultra-thin films and multilayers UHV system for in-situ growth and MOKE, RHEED, x-ray reflectivity, MR measurements
Dr. Dinesh K. Shukla Scientist-E Indore Multiferroics, Piezoelectricity, Thermoelectricity, Strongly correlated electron systems, Synchrotron based X-ray scattering and diffraction methods, X-ray absorption spectroscopy. d33 meter, thermoelectric power measurement, low and high resistance measurements, dielectric spectroscopy.
Dr. Gautam Ghosh Scientist – G Mumbai Soft matter and nanomaterials Static and dynamic light scattering
Dr. Gopal M. Bhalerao Scientist-F Kalpakkam Nanomaterials, electron and x-ray crystallography techniques Transmission Electron Microscope, IRFZ Single Crystal Growth Furnace, Microhardness tester, Ball Indentation, Small Punch Creep System
Dr. Goutam Pramanik Scientist-D Kolkata Nano-materials Dynamic Light Scattering
Dr. Gunadhor S. Okram Engineer-G/Scientist-G Indore Low Temperature Thermoelectricity DC electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power set up (5-330K), Centrifuge (15krpm), Vacuum drying oven (150 C), Probe Sonicator 750 W, 20 kHz, Water purification system Elix 3, Electronic balance Citizen CX265, Programmable tube furnace (1000 oC), Zeta potential-Nanoplus 3 (GSO)
Dr. K. Saravanan Scientist-D Kalpakkam 200 kV ion accelerator, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Arc Melting System, Melt Spinning System, Chemical Depth Profiler
Dr. Mukul Gupta Scientist-G Indore Thin films deposition, study of surface, interfaces and depth profiling in thin film multilayers, X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Polarized light soft XAS beamline at Indus-2 SR; 2-inch Target Magnetron Sputtering, 3-inch Target High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering, UHV-Rapid Thermal Annealing, High Vacuum Thermal Annealing, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, D8 Advance - Powder XRD, Ultrasonic sample cleaner
Dr. Niranjan P. Lalla Scientist-H Indore Structural characterisation of materials using XRD and TEM, s, phase transformation, quasicrystals and perovskites Transmission electron microscopy, Powder XRD facility (with low-temperature-90K and high-temperature-1400K attachments), LTHM XRD, Ion-milling TEM sample Preparation facility, Carbolite Muffle furnace (1700 C), Novocontrol Dielectric measurement setup (90-400K).
Dr. R. Venkatesh Scientist-E Indore Low temperature electric and magnetic transport in Nano/Bulk materials Quantum design PPMS, CEM discover Microwave synthesizer, Indfur made tubular furnace (1000O), Nebertherm made box furnace (1400O), Nebertherm made three zone furnace, Indfur made box furnace (1000O), SEM/EDAX, Veco make SPM scanning probe microscope, Bruker made Bio-AFM (Bioscope resolve), Nanoscope E AFM, Zeiss make Laser Confocal scanning optical microscope, FEI made NOVA NANOSEM 450 FE-SEM.
Dr. Rajamani Raghunathan Scientist-E Indore Condensed Matter Theory – model Hamiltonian theory and first principles methods
Dr. Rajarshi Raut Scientist-F Kolkata Experimental Nuclear Structure Clover detectors being used with INGA, Standalone digitizer based pulse processing electronics, PIXIE-16 digitizer based pulse processing and data acquisition system, Single crystal HPGe detector, Pulse processing electronics (NIM), Multichannel Analyser (MCA)
Dr. Rajeev Rawat Scientist-G Indore Magneto-transport and magnetocaloric and microscopic properties of magnetic materials at low temperature. Arc Furnace, Dielectric and PE loop measurements, LTHM Scanning Probe microscope, 14-Tesla VSM, 7-Tesla SQUID, 7-Tesla SQUID-VSM Magnetometer, 16-Tesla VSM, Heat capacity (PPMS 9-Tesla), 16-Tesla magnet system.
Dr. Rajib Mondal Scientist-D Kolkata Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Magnetism and electrical transport in Single Crystals
Dr. Ram J. Choudhary Scientist-G Indore Thin Films, Pulsed Laser Deposition, Functional Magnetic Materials PLD, Laser MBE, SQUID-VSM, table top XRD, Differential Scan Calorimeter, Broadband impedance analyser, P-E loop tracer, AG semi-microbalance
Dr. S. D. Kaushik Scientist – F Mumbai Magnetic Materials and magnetic structures FCD, Cryocooler, Material synthesis
Dr. S. K. Deshpande Scientist – H Mumbai Dielectric and X-ray characterization of materials Broadband Dielectric Spectrometer
Dr. S. Mukherjee Scientist – F Mumbai Strongly correlated electron systems, Nanomagnetism, Impedance spectroscopy Low temperature resistivity, Material synthesis, LCR Meter, Powder diffractometer
Dr. S. Rayaprol Scientist – G Mumbai Structure-property correlations in quasi 1D spin-chain systems, novel mixed oxide compounds FCD, VSM, Powder X-ray Diffractometer (D2 Phaser), High Energy Planetary Ball Mill Mini Arc Melter Advanced Neutron Imaging Beamline at Dhruva Reactor
Dr. Sandeep S. Ghugre Scientist-H Kolkata In-beam gamma ray spectroscopy, nuclear physics Computational laboratory, EDXRF Spectrometer, Positron Annihilation Setup Clover detectors being used with INGA Scintillator detectors for fast timing applications, Standalone digitizer based pulse processing electronics, Single crystal HPGe detector, Pulse processing electronics (NIM) Multichannel Analyser (MCA)
Dr. Shamima Hussain Scientist-F Kalpakkam Thin Film Synthesis and characterisations,Nanomaterials, Photoluminescence,Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconducting behaviour of thin films of III-V,II-VI, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Polymers,Functional materials. Material synthesis facilities, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, e-beam evaporation system, High Energy Ball Milling System, Focussed Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope, Box Furnace Sample preparation for Microscopy (SEM), Chemical Synthesis facilities
Dr. Souvik Chatterjee Scientist-F Kolkata Magnetic investigation of 3d transition metal based intermetallic alloys, phase separated manganites and iron-based superconductors. High Magnetic and Low Temperature facility, X Ray Diffraction, Tube Furance, Planetary Ball Mill, Vacuum Annealing Furnance, SQUID Magnetometer, 15 Tesla cryogen free system with VSM, Resistivity, Dielectric, and Pyroelectric measurement options, 4K CCR for zero field resistivity, dielectric and P-E loop measurement, Tri-arc Furnace, Resistive Furnaces
Dr. Sudipta R. Barman Scientist-H Indore Surface electronic structure Muffle furnace, Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, LEED, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Inverse photoemission spectroscopy, Ultrahigh vacuum scanning probe microscope.
Dr. Sujay Chakravarty Scientist-F Kalpakkam Thin film Deposition and Characterization using X-Ray and Neutrons, Atomic Diffusion in Thin Films,magnetic and transport properties of thin films and nanomaterials, d0 magnetism, magnetic semiconductor D8 Bruker XRD, Atomic Force Microscope, 15T Magetoresistance system, 7T Squid Magnetometer dc & rf sputtering system, Hot Isostatic Press, Hybrid Optical Trap Array (HOTA), High Vacuum Annealing Furnace
Dr. Tapas K. Mishra Engineer-G Kolkata Mechanical engineer, heat and mass transfer simulations Mechanical workshop, vacuum systems
Dr. Uday P. Deshpande Scientist-E Indore Optical properties, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, metal oxide nanomaterials UV-VIS spectrometer, FTIR spectrometer, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, tube furnace 900 C.
Dr. V.Raghavendra Reddy Scientist-G Indore Experimental condensed matter physics Mössbauer Spectroscopy, thin film x-ray diffraction, Langmuir Blodgett Deposition, Table-top coater, Spin-Coating, Microwave assisted hybrid high temperature (1400 C) furnace, P-E loop tracer & Dielectric, HRXRD (thin film XRD), MOKE: magnetometer and microscopy (VRR)
Er. Bhushan Jain Engineer-E Indore Electrical engineering
Er. P. Saravanan Engineer-G Indore Electronics and communications Cryogenics Cryogenic Facilities and Instrumentation, Mirror Image furnace for single crystal growth, 9T Magnet-Cryostat, Heat Capacity Measurement (100mK to 4.0K ; 0 to 16T, Resistance Measurements (100mK to 4.0 K; 0 to 16T), AC Resistance Measurements (2K to 300K; 0 to 16T), I-V Measurements (2K to 300K; 0 to 16T), Resistance Measurements (2K to 300 K; 0 to 16T), Heat Capacity Measurements (2K to 300K; 0 to 16T).
Er. Sanjay S. Thakur Engineer-G Indore Civil Engineering
Prof. E. V. Sampathkumaran Emeritus Professor Mumbai
Prof. Sindhunil B. Roy Raja Ramanna Fellow Indore