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Research Facilities

Consortium provides access and support to Universities and Academic Institutions to state of art research facilities through its Centres at Indore, Kolkata, Mumbai and Kalpakkam node.

Indore Centre provides support for beamlines at synchrotron radiations sources (Indus-1 & Indus-2); Materials under extreme condition – Low Temperature and High Magnetic Field (LTHM), Surface Science & Thin Films, Spatial/Spectral & Time Resolved imaging for materials & dynamics.

Kolkata Centre provides support for experimental and theoretical nuclear physics & applications of nuclear techniques using DAE accelerators at VECC – Kolkata, IOP Bhubaneswar & TIFR-BARC Mumbai.

Mumbai Centre provides support for Neutron Scattering Facilities at Dhruva Reactor at BARC and complementary facilities.

Kalpakkam Node provides accesses to the medium size but high technology facility of IGCAR, Kalpakkam.

Details and specifications of facilities can be found here and online research proposal can be submitted through our user portal.